List of Romualdo Locatelli paintings
exhibited or painted in Southeast Asia
Compiled by Amir Sidharta
[last update: 16 April 2019]
• 1930s-IT-SEA-01
The model / Het model (Rome).
oil on canvas
- Bataviasche Kunstkring (May 1939) item no. 11: Het model (Rome).
- Bandoengsche Kunstkring (June 1939) item no. 8: Het model (Rome).
- Douthitt Gallery, New York (October 1941) item no. 02 The Model [sold]
- “The two large nude figures, are the most beautiful of his oeuvre, which he brought us from his homeland.” (Nieuws van den dag (1939)
- “In other Italian pieces a warm red dominates, as background for a nude figure, warm with flesh, graceful attitude.” (Kunst: Schilderijen-tentoonstelling: Romualdo Locatelli (“Art: Painting Exhibition, Romualdo Locatelli), Indische courant 1939.05.8)
- "The Model" (II) sing in such an overwhelming and by every understandable way a hymn of praise to the beauty of creation…” and “The white of a skin, the vibrating of a nude, .. immediately catches the eye” .(“Z” 1939-05-06, p. 3)
• 1930s-IT-SEA-02
Bath hour / Baduurtje
oil on canvas
- Bataviasche Kunstkring (May 1939) item no. 12: Baduurtje
- Bandoengsche Kunstkring (June 1939) item no. 09: Baduurtje
• 1930s-IT-SEA-03
oil on canvas
98 x 192 cm
- Bataviasche Kunstkring (May 1939) item no. 24: Naakt
- University of Philippine, Manila (August 1940) item no. x08 [sold to Ernest Helge Christian Berg (Rogers 1994, p. 89)]
- 1940: EHC Berg, purchased at exhibition
- 2016: auctioned, Hong Kong
- “The two large nude figures, are the most beautiful of his oeuvre, which he brought us from his homeland.” (Nieuws van den dag 1939)
- “In other Italian pieces a warm red dominates, as background for a nude figure, warm with flesh, graceful attitude.” (Kunst: Schilderijen-tentoonstelling: Romualdo Locatelli (“Art: Painting Exhibition, Romualdo Locatelli), Indische courant 1939.05.8)
- "The Model" (II) sing in such an overwhelming and by every understandable way a hymn of praise to the beauty of creation…” and “The white of a skin, the vibrating of a nude, .. immediately catches the eye”. (“Z” 1939-05-06, p. 3)
• 1930s-IT-SEA-04
The Readers / Reading girls / Lezende meisjes
oil on canvas
210 x 134 cm
- Bataviasche Kunstkring (May 1939) item no. 25: Lezende meisjes
- Bandoengsche Kunstkring (June 1939) item no. 20: Lezende meisjes
- Soerabaiasche Kunstkring (February 1940) item no. 25: Lezende jonge vrouw (?)
- Douthitt Gallery, New York (October 1941) item no. 01: The Readers
- Office of Alien Property Custodian Sale, New York (July 1944) lot no. 01: The Readers [sold]
- “A large canvas, "Reading girls", that typifies the Italian work of this painter, smoothly and strongly done, with a decorative effect, a graceful pose in the attitude of both figures and a beautiful shiny biauw as the main moment, in the toilet of one of the young women”, (Indische courant 1939.05.8)
- “The "Two readers", are the most beautiful of his oeuvre, which he brought us from his homeland”. (Nieuws van den dag 1939-05-25)
- “ No. 25, "Reading young woman" the beautiful composition stands out, the European pieces in their kind of true masterpieces (Soerabaijasch handelsblad 1940.02.05)
- “Two girls, who talk to each other about a book about which they laugh happily. How beautiful is her gesture, and from which a splendid luster is the blue of the silk dress that bears one of her. A charming European painting among his work” (WCB (Burger, Willem C.?), Indische courant 1940.02.03)
- “Two girls reading a book, one girl in blue suit: and the other in green velvet.” (Alien Property Custodian 1944)
• 1930s-IT-SEA-05
The concert / Het Concert
oil on canvas
- Bataviasche Kunstkring (May 1939) item no. 26: Het Concert
- “Both figures can also be seen on another large canvas, "The Concert", with an equally beautiful color effect.” (Indische courant 1939.05.8)
- “The "Concert", are the most beautiful of his oeuvre, which he brought us from his homeland.” (Nieuws van den dag 1939-05-25)
• 1930s-IT-SEA-06
In the studio / In het atelier
oil on canvas
140 x 127 cm
- Bataviasche Kunstkring (May 1939) item no. 27: In het atelier
- Bandoengsche Kunstkring (June 1939) item no. 21: In het atelier
- Douthitt Gallery, New York (October 1941) item no. 06: In the studio
- Office of Alien Property Custodian Sale, New York (July 1944) lot no. 07: In the studio [sold]
- “A nude model kneeling on the floor, which is covered with draperies” (Alien Property Custodian 1943, p. 1155)
• 1930s-IT-SEA-07
Falconer / Valkenler
oil on canvas
- Bataviasche Kunstkring (May 1939) item no. 28: Valkenler
- Bandoengsche Kunstkring (June 1939) item no. 22: Valkenler
• 1930s-IT-SEA-08
Sardinian girls / Sardijnsche meisjes
oil on canvas
- Bataviasche Kunstkring (May 1939) item no. 30: Sardijnsche meisjes.
- Bandoengsche Kunstkring (June 1939) item no. 23: Sardijnsche meisjes.
• 1930s-IT-SEA-09
At the dresser / Aan het toilet
oil on canvas
- Bataviasche Kunstkring (May 1939) item no. 41: Aan het toilet
- Bandoengsche Kunstkring (June 1939) item no. 33: Aan het toilet
• 1930s-IT-SEA-10
Study / Studie
oil on canvas
- Bataviasche Kunstkring (May 1939) item no. 43: Studie
- Bandoengsche Kunstkring (June 1939) item no. 35: Studie
• 1930s-IT-SEA-11
Study (Joy?) / Studie (Dzjas)
oil on canvas
- Bataviasche Kunstkring (May 1939) item no. 45: Studie (Dzjas)
- Bandoengsche Kunstkring (June 1939) item no. 37: Studie (Dzjas)
• 1930s-IT-SEA-12
Sardinian bride / Sardijnsche bruid
pencil on paper
- Bataviasche Kunstkring (May 1939) item no. 48: Sardijnsche bruid.
- Bandoengsche Kunstkring (June 1939) item no. 40: Sardijnsche bruid.
• 1930s-IT-SEA-13
Romantic Italian / Romantische Italinansche
pencil on paper
- Bataviasche Kunstkring (May 1939) item no. 52: Romantische Italinansche
- Bandoengsche Kunstkring (June 1939) item no. 44: Romantische Italinansche
• 1930s-IT-SEA-14
Study of a Sardinian / Studie van een Sardijnsche
pencil on paper
- Bataviasche Kunstkring (May 1939) item no. 53: Studie van een Sardijnsche
- Bandoengsche Kunstkring (June 1939) item no. 45: Studie van een Sardijnsche
- Soerabaiasche Kunstkring (February 1940) item no. 26?
- “Model studies, excellent by skill of drawing and inimitable display of light effect. The European pieces in their kind of true masterpieces.” (Soerabaijasch handelsblad 1940.02.05)
- “There are also some nude figures of a rare liveliness and clean line.” (WCB (Burger, Willem C.?), Indische courant 1940.02.03)
• 1930s-IT-SEA-15
Type from Sardinia (a)
pencil on paper
- Bataviasche Kunstkring (May 1939) item no. 55 Type uit Sardinie (a)
- Bandoengsche Kunstkring (June 1939) item no. 46 Type uit Sardinie (a)
- Soerabaiasche Kunstkring (February 1940) item no. 27?
- “Model studies, excellent by skill of drawing and inimitable display of light effect. the European pieces in their kind of true masterpieces” (Soerabaijasch handelsblad 1940.02.05)
- “There are also some nude figures of a rare liveliness and clean line.” (W.C.B. (Burger, Willem C.?), Indische courant 1940.02.03)
• 1930s-IT-SEA-16
Nude (1930s)
pencil on paper
- Bataviasche Kunstkring (May 1939) item no. 56 Type uit Sardinie (b) [most probably sold]
• 1938-IT-SEA-17
Sardinian woman (1938)
pencil on paper
- Bataviasche Kunstkring (May 1939) item no. 49 Sardijnsche vrouw
- Bandoengsche Kunstkring (June 1939) item no. 41 Sardijnsche vrouw
- University of Philippine, Manila (August 1940) item no. x09
• 1938-IT-SEA-17
Sardinian woman (1938)
oil on canvas
95 x 88 cm
- 1940: EHC Berg, purchased during or after University of Philippine exhibition
- 2016 & 2018: auctioned, Hong Kong
• 1938-SG-01
At the coast / Aan de kust (Singapore)
oil on canvas
- Bataviasche Kunstkring (May 1939) item no. 22: Aan de kust (Singapore)..
- Bandoengsche Kunstkring (June 1939) item no. 18: Aan de kust (Singapore)..
• 1938-SG-02
Along the river / Langs de rivier
oil on canvas
89 x 84 cm
- Bataviasche Kunstkring (May 1939) item no. 35: Langs de rivier
- Bandoengsche Kunstkring (June 1939) item no. 28: Langs de rivier
- Soerabaiasche Kunstkring (February 1940) item no. x6 (Rogers 1994 p. 56)
- Douthitt Gallery, New York (October 1941) item no. 13: On the River
- Office of Alien Property Custodian Sale, New York (July 1944) lot no. 08: On the River [sold]
- Malays navigating a river boat near Singapore. (Alien Property Custodian 1944)
• 1938-SG-03
Rickshaw ...
- Bataviasche Kunstkring (May 1939) item no. 36 Rickshaw…
- Bandoengsche Kunstkring (June 1939) item no. 29聽Rickshaw...
• 1939-JVB-01
Harvest (???)
oil on canvas
92.5 x 117.5 cm
- 2017 auctioned, Hong Kong
• 1939-JVB-02
Harvest (???)
oil on canvas
94 x 122 cm
- 1958: Rogers, one of three of Locatelli’s paintings (Dobbin 1958)
- 1994: Duta Fine Art, purchased from Rogers or Santi Gallery?
• 1939-JVB-03
Portret van een Meisje / Launa? (1939)
oil on canvas
73,5 x 57 cm
- 1939 L.C. Bouman and Bouman Family, Holland
- 2013 auctioned, Middleburg
• 1939-JVB-04
Planting Rice
oil on canvas
81 x 238 cm
- Office of Alien Property Custodian Sale, New York (July 1944) lot no. 02 [sold]
- “A long horizontal of natives planting rice in Java” (Alien Property Custodian 1943)
- Dimensions: 81 x 238 cm (Alien Property Custodian 1944)
• 1939-JVB-05
Gamelan Player
oil on canvas
89 x 89 cm
- Office of Alien Property Custodian Sale, New York (July 1944) lot no. 09: Gamelan Player [sold]
- “Moderate size canvas showing an old man playing a native Instrument (Gamlin)” (Alien Property Custodian 1943)
- Dimensions: 89 x 89 cm (Alien Property Custodian 1944)
• 1939-JVB-06
The two mothers / De twee moeders
oil on canvas
- Bataviasche Kunstkring (May 1939) item no. 01: De twee moeders
- Bandoengsche Kunstkring (June 1939) item no. 01: De twee moeders
- "The two mothers (I) may as a few examples apply the nice vision which Locatelli has on the proposed.” (“Z” 1939-05-06)
- “Of remarkable expressiveness are the figure pieces, of which the great canvas, The two (Native) mothers, belong to the very best” ( Indische courant 1939-05-08)
- “"Two mothers", Aren't these works exquisitely painted and aren't these figures, which he painted on the canvas, seemingly alive” (Nieuws van den dag 1939-05-25)
• 1939-JVB-07
Pemain Kecapi / Arkas Player / Arkasspeler (1939)
oil on canvas
114.5 x 104.5 cm
- Bataviasche Kunstkring (May 1939) item no. 03: Arkasspeler
- Bandoengsche Kunstkring (June 1939) item no. 03: Arkasspeler
- Douthitt Gallery, New York (October 1941) item no. 07: Arkas Player
- Office of Alien Property Custodian Sale, New York (July 1944) lot no. 12 [sold]
- A medium sized canvas showing & young boy playing an Arkas. (Alien Property Custodian 1943)
- Dimension: 114 x 104 cm (Alien Property Custodian 1944)
• 1939-JVB-08
Arkas player / Arkasspeelster
- Bataviasche Kunstkring (May 1939) item no. 04: Arkasspeelster
- Bandoengsche Kunstkring (June 1939) item no. 04: Arkasspeelster
• 1939-JVB-09
Terrong saleswoman / Terrongverkoopster
- Bataviasche Kunstkring (May 1939) item no. 05: Terrongverkoopster
- Bandoengsche Kunstkring (June 1939) item no. 05 Terrongverkoopster
• 1939-JVB-xx
On the road? / Op de reede
- Bataviasche Kunstkring (May 1939) item no. 07: Op de reede
- Bandoengsche Kunstkring (June 1939) item no. 06: Op de reede
• 1939-JVB-xx
Youngster with water vessels / Jongetje met tampajangs
- Bataviasche Kunstkring (May 1939) item no. 08: Jongetje met tampajangs
• 1939-JVB-xx
Cutting the Rice (Rice Harvest) / Rijstoogst (1939)
oil on canvas
90 x 152 cm
- Bataviasche Kunstkring (May 1939) item no. 09: Rijstoogst [sold]
- “"padisnit", of which he has kept the figures in vague lines and colors in contrast with his European work, are examples of his talent, with which he shows the beauty of the Indian landscape. knows how to display.” (Nieuws van den dag 1939-05-25)
- 1940 Djajanegara? Purchased in Batavia exhibition
- 1950s: Sukarno Collection and then Indonesian Presidential Palace collection
• 1939-JVB-xx
Young Dancer and Drummer / The dance girl Ratini (1939)
oil on canvas
162.5 x 99 cm
- Bataviasche Kunstkring (May 1939) item no. 10: Het dansmeljse Ratini
- Bandoengsche Kunstkring (June 1939) item no. 07: Het dansmeljse Ratini
- Douthitt Gallery, New York (October 1941) item no. 09: Javanese Dancer
- Office of Alien Property Custodian Sale, New York (July 1944) lot no. 11 Javanese Dancer [sold]
- “Another large canvas, representing the dance girl Ratini, was placed in such a corner, diagonally opposite the entrance, that it had to attract attention, the painter and his wife seem to attach particular value to this piece, but oi it is less successful in drawing, and in the other Italian work the mastery of Locatelli is undoubtedly more and much more emphatically reflected.” (Indische courant 1939.05.08)
- A large canvas of a Javanese dancing girl with a man playing a native drum like instrument. (Alien Property Custodian 1944, p. 5)
- Dimensions: 170 x 99 cm (Alien Property Custodian 1944, p. 5)
- 1944: sold at APC auction 1944
- 2007: auctioned, Singapore
- current owner: Private Collection A, Jakarta
• 1939-JVB-xx
Bathing buffaloes / Badende karbouwen
- Bataviasche Kunstkring (May 1939) item no. 13: Badende karbouwen
- Bandoengsche Kunstkring (June 1939) item no. 10: Badende karbouwen
• 1939-JVB-xx
Kerry seller / Kerryverkoopster
- Bataviasche Kunstkring (May 1939) item no. 14: Kerryverkoopster
- Bandoengsche Kunstkring (June 1939) item no. 11: Kerryverkoopster
• 1939-JVB-xx
In the ricefields
Exhibited: In het rijstveld.
- Bataviasche Kunstkring (May 1939) item no. 15: In het rijstveld.
- Bandoengsche Kunstkring (June 1939) item no. 12: In het rijstveld.
• 1939-JVB-xx
The little Ici / De kleine Ici
- Bataviasche Kunstkring (May 1939) item no. 17: De kleine Ici
- Bandoengsche Kunstkring (June 1939) item no. 14: De kleine Ici
• 1939-JVB-xx
Harrowing a Field in Java / Het werk op de sawah / Werk op de sawahs (1939)
oil on canvas
100 x 271 cm
- Bataviasche Kunstkring (May 1939) item no. 18 Het werk op de sawah
- Soerabaiasche Kunstkring (February 1940) item no. 04 Werk op de sawahs
- “"The work on the sawah", with karbouwen; several Indian pieces hang from him. The actual tropical afeer of Java has not yet reached Locatelli. he thus far defines a greyish atmosphere, and in the illustration of his Javanese subjects, he, according to his disposition, is tempted by his illustrative tendencies. This is especially noticeable in two large canvases, panicky in design” (Indische courant 1939.05.8)
- “"sawah views", of which he has kept the figures in vague lines and colors in contrast with his European work, are examples of his talent, with which he shows the beauty of the Indian landscape. knows how to display.” (Nieuws van den dag 1939-05-25)
- “Grand and wide. recalling Mauve”; (Soerabaijasch handelsblad 1940.02.05)
- “We also want to mention a landscape of a sawah from his work, on which the sun illuminates the water in a silver sheen, while cattle plow the wet soil.” (W.C.B. (Burger, Willem C.?), Indische courant 1940.02.03)
- 1940 Djajanegara? Purchased in Batavia or Soerabaia exhibition
- 1950s: Sukarno Collection and then Indonesian Presidential Palace collection
• 1939-JVB-xx
Turning off the bibit / Het uitzetten van de bibit
- Bataviasche Kunstkring (May 1939) item no. 19: Het uitzetten van de bibit
- Bandoengsche Kunstkring (June 1939) item no. 15: Het uitzetten van de bibit
- “"The expansion of the bibit"; on this last canvas the painter placed an Inland female figure, which seems to pose coquet, with a nice gauze cloth over his head! But of course such work also betrays the peculiar qualities of this painter.” (Indische courant 1939.05.8)
- “The canvases, which he painted here in the Indies, are admirable, both in composition and in vision, which Locatelli has on the landscape of the Indies and the scenes from the native world.” (Nieuws van den dag 1939-05-25)
• 1939-JVB-xx
Dance girl / Dans melsje
- Bataviasche Kunstkring (May 1939) item no. 21: Dans meisje.
- Bandoengsche Kunstkring (June 1939) item no. 17: Dans meisje.
• 1939-JVB-xx
In the bath / In het bad
- Bataviasche Kunstkring (May 1939) item no. 31: In het bad
- Bandoengsche Kunstkring (June 1939) item no. 24: In het bad
- Office of Alien Property Custodian Sale, New York (July 1944) lot no. 06: The Bath [sold]
- “Hand (no. 3) immediately catches the eye.” (“Z” 1939-05-06))
- “"Bathing women", of which he has kept the figures in vague lines and colors in contrast with his European work, are examples of his talent, with which he shows the beauty of the Indian landscape. knows how to display.” (Nieuws van den dag 1939-05-25)
- “A small canvas showing a semi nude bathing under a natural waterfall.” (Alien Property Custodian 1944, p. 4)
- Dimensions: 132 x 86 cm (Alien Property Custodian 1944, p. 4)
• 1939-JVB-xx
Street dancer / Straatdanseresje
- Bataviasche Kunstkring (May 1939) item no. 32: Straatdanseresje
- Bandoengsche Kunstkring (June 1939) item no. 25: Straatdanseresje
• 1939-JVB-xx
Potter / Pottenbakster
- Bataviasche Kunstkring (May 1939) item no. 37: Pottenbakster
- Bandoengsche Kunstkring (June 1939) item no. 30: Pottenbakster
• 1939-JVB-xx
Morning / Ochtend
- Bataviasche Kunstkring (May 1939) item no. 38: Ochtend
- Bandoengsche Kunstkring (June 1939) item no. 31: Ochtend
• 1939-JVB-xx
Dancers / Danseres
- Bataviasche Kunstkring (May 1939) item no. 39: Danseres
- Bandoengsche Kunstkring (June 1939) item no. 32: Danseres
- Soerabaiasche Kunstkring (February 1940) item no. 19: Danseres
• 1939-JVB-xx
Bathing buffaloes / Badende karbouwen
- Bataviasche Kunstkring (May 1939) item no. 40: Badende karbouwen
• 1939-JVB-xx
Washing woman / Wasschende vrouw
- Bataviasche Kunstkring (May 1939) item no. 44: Wasschende vrouw
- Bandoengsche Kunstkring (June 1939) item no. 36: Wasschende vrouw
• 1939-JVB-xx
Panorama of the Tangkoeban Prahoe / Panorama van de Tangkoeban Prahoe
- Bataviasche Kunstkring (May 1939) item no. 46: Panorama van de Tangkoeban Prahoe
- Bandoengsche Kunstkring (June 1939) item no. 38: Panorama van de Tangkoeban Prahoe
• 1939-JVB-xx
Javanese woman / Javaansche vrouw
pencil on paper
- Bataviasche Kunstkring (May 1939) item no. 47: Javaansche vrouw
- Bandoengsche Kunstkring (June 1939) item no. 39: Javaansche vrouw
• 1939-JVB-xx
Javanese type (a) / Javaansch type (a)
pencil on paper
- Bataviasche Kunstkring (May 1939) item no. 50: Javaansch type (a)
- Bandoengsche Kunstkring (June 1939) item no. 42: Javaansch type (a)
• 1939-JVB-xx
Javanese type (b) / Javaansch type (b)
pencil on paper
- Bataviasche Kunstkring (May 1939) item no. 51: Javaansch type (b)
- Bandoengsche Kunstkring (June 1939) item no. 43: Javaansch type (b)
• 1939-JVB-xx
Seller woman / Koopvrouw
pencil on paper
- Bataviasche Kunstkring (May 1939) item no. 54: Koopvrouw [probably sold]
• 1939-JVB-xx
Little Javanese / Kleine Javaansche
pencil on paper
- Bataviasche Kunstkring (May 1939) item no. 57: Kleine Javaansche
- Bandoengsche Kunstkring (June 1939) item no. 47: Kleine Javaansche
• 1939-JVB-xx
Shepherd / Herder
pencil on paper
- Bataviasche Kunstkring (May 1939) item no. 58: Herder
- Bandoengsche Kunstkring (June 1939) item no. 48: Herder
• 1939-JVB-xx
Study (Java)
pencil on paper
- Bataviasche Kunstkring (May 1939) item no. 59: Studie (Java)
- Bandoengsche Kunstkring (June 1939) item no. 49: Studie (Java)
• 1939-JVB-xx
Study (Java)
pencil on paper
- Bataviasche Kunstkring (May 1939) item no. 60: Studie (Java)
- Bandoengsche Kunstkring (June 1939) item no. 50: Studie (Java)
• 1939a-BAT-xx
Boy Fluter (1939)
oil on canvas
93 x 74 cm
not sure
• 1939a-BAT-xx
Portrait of A Boy (son of Reehy ?) (1939)
oil on canvas
84 x 55 cm
• 1939a-BAT-xx
Portrait of Christine Jacoba van Starkenborgh Stachouwer
oil on canvas
• 1939a-BAT-xx
Portrait of Frances Theodora Tjarda van Starkenborgh Stachouwer
oil on canvas
• 1939a-BAT-xx
Portrait of Grazielle Reehry [sic]
oil on canvas
• 1939a-BAT-xx
Portrait of Mrs Marchela, wife of the judge of Batavia
oil on canvas
• 1939a-BAT-xx
Portrait of Susanne Reehry
oil on canvas
• 1939a-BAT-xx
Street Musicians of Jakarta (1939)
oil on canvas
55 x 70 cm
• 1939a-BAT-xx
Boy with a Goat / Soendanees met geitje (1939)
oil on canvas
119 x 91 cm
- Bataviasche Kunstkring (May 1939) item no. 02 Soendanees met geitje
- Bandoengsche Kunstkring (June 1939) item no. 02 Soendanees met geitje
- Douthitt Gallery, New York (October 1941) item no. 08 Javanese Shepherd
- Office of Alien Property Custodian Sale, New York (July 1944) lot no. 10 Javanese Shepherd [sold]
- medium sized canvas chowing a Javanese Shipherd eartng for n little lamb, (Alien Property Custodian 1944)
- Dimensions: 117 x 91 cm [M] (Alien Property Custodian 1943, 1944)
• 1939a-BAT-xx
Affection: a Javanese Beauty Holding Child / Moeder met kind (1939)
oil on canvas laid down board
90 x 70 cm
- Bataviasche Kunstkring (May 1939) item no. 06 Moeder met kind [sold]
- “A young mother carrying her child: He paints the beauty of the female body, the touching loveliness of a Madonna expression on the face of a young mother carrying her child,” (Nieuws van den dag 1939.05.06)
• 1939a-BAT-xx
88 x 58 cm
- Bataviasche Kunstkring (May 1939) item no. 16 Javaansche Vrouw
- Bandoengsche Kunstkring (June 1939) item no. 13 Javaansche Vrouw
- University of Philippine, Manila (August 1940) item no. x02 [sold]
- 1940: Manila collector, probably purchased at University of Philippine exhibition
- 2019: auctioned, Hong Kong
• 1939a-BAT-xx
Offer Flowers / Offerbloemen
- Bataviasche Kunstkring (May 1939) item no. 20: Offerbloemen
- Bandoengsche Kunstkring (June 1939) item no. 16: Offerbloemen
- “"Flowers for offering" (20) sing in such an overwhelming and by every understandable way a hymn of praise to the beauty of creation, that we like the more profound and exclusive painting directions, which may be less effect may have been calculated, forgot one moment.” (“Z” 1939-05-06)
- Photograph
• 1939a-BAT-xx
Boats / Prouwen
- Bataviasche Kunstkring (May 1939) item no. 23 Prouwen
- Bandoengsche Kunstkring (June 1939) item no. 19 Prouwen
• 1939a-BAT-xx
Back from the market / Terug van de passar / De kleine koopman ?
- Bataviasche Kunstkring (May 1939) item no. 29 Terug van de passar
- Soerabaiasche Kunstkring (February 1940) item no. 06 De kleine koopman ?
- “"back from the passar"(29) may as a few examples apply the nice vision which Locatelli has on the proposed. (“Z” 1939-05-06)
- “BACK FROM THE PASSER (photograph, Indische courant 1939-05-19)
- "Back of the pasar" Aren't these works exquisitely painted and aren't these figures, which he painted on the canvas, seemingly alive (Nieuws van den dag 1939-05-25)
• 1939a-BAT-xx
Street Singers of Jakarta (1939)
oil on canvas
95 x 80 cm
- Bataviasche Kunstkring (May 1939) item no. 32 Straatdanseresje
- Bandoengsche Kunstkring (June 1939) item no. 25 Straatdanseresje
• 1939a-BAT-xx
Street dancers
- Bataviasche Kunstkring (May 1939) item no. 34 Straatdanseres.....
- Bandoengsche Kunstkring (June 1939) item no. 27 Straatdanseres.....
• 1939b-BL-xx
Nude (1939)
charcoal on paper
21 x 16 cm
• 1939b-BL-xx
Portrait of A Nude
circa 1940
oil on canvas
136.5 x 94 cm
- 2014: auctioned, Hong Kong
• 1939b-BL-xx
Portrait of a Young Girl (1939)
oil on canvas
105 x 115 cm
- 2014: auctioned, Hong Kong
• 1939b-BL-xx
Portrait of a Young Girl / Balinese Girl Tigah with White Flower in Hand / White Orchid ? (1939)
oil on canvas
100 x 60 cm
- Douthitt Gallery, New York (October 1941) item no. 11 White Orchid [sold]
- 2002: auctioned, Hong Kong
- 2017: auctioned, Hong Kong
• 1939b-BL-xx
Preparing for The Cockfight (1940 (ca))
oil on canvas
78 x 150 cm
- 1958: Rogers, one of three of Locatelli’s paintings (Dobbin 1958)
- 1994: Duta Fine Art, purchased from Rogers
• 1939b-BL-xx
Young Balinese Girl at the River (1939)
oil on canvas
90 x 86 cm
- 1940: Munoz, Assistant Dean of University of St Thomas purchased at University of Philippine exhibition
- 1963: Rogers, “returned” by widow of Munoz (Democratic Advocate 1963, p. 4)
- 1994: Duta Fine Art, purchased from Rogers
- 1995: Museum Lippo, purchased through Bali dealer
• 1939b-BL-xx
Balinese Mask
99 x 79 cm
- DG-x4 Balinese Mask
- Office of Alien Property Custodian Sale, New York (July 1944) lot no. 13 Balinese Mask [sold]
- A medium canvas showing a part of a Balinese dramatic performance, in which the main figure is masked (Alien Property Custodian 1944)
- Dimensions: 99 x 79 cm [M] (Alien Property Custodian 1943, 1944)
• 1939b-BL-xx
Balinese Beauty
- Douthitt Gallery, New York (October 1941) item DG-x5 Balinese Beauty (Rogers 1994 p. )
• 1939b-BL-xx
Gambuh Dancer (1939)
oil on canvas
129 x 89 cm
- Douthitt Gallery, New York (October 1941) item no. 03 Legong Dancer
- Office of Alien Property Custodian Sale, New York (July 1944) lot no. 03 Legong Dancer [sold]
- A large canvas showing a dancing girl performing a native dance, (Alien Property Custodian 1944)
- Dimensions: 129 x 89 cm [L] (Alien Property Custodian 1943, 1944)
- 1944: George Schriever, Denver, Colorado, probably purchased from APC sale
- 2005: auctioned Singapore
- 2012: Private Collection A, Jakarta, purchased from auction, Hong Kong
• 1939b-BL-xx
Sisian Dancer
- Douthitt Gallery, New York (October 1941) item no. 04 Sisian Dancer
- Office of Alien Property Custodian Sale, New York (July 1944) lot no. 04 Sisian Dancer [sold]
- Large vertical oblong canvas showing a native dance (Sisian). (Alien Property Custodian 1944)
- Dimensions: 140 x 99 cm [L(V)] (Alien Property Custodian 1943, 1944)
• 1939b-BL-xx
Legong / Barong Dancer (1940)
128 x 117
- Douthitt Gallery, New York (October 1941) item no. 05 Barong Dancer
- Office of Alien Property Custodian Sale, New York (July 1944) lot no. 05 Barong Dancer [sold]
- A girl with a head-dress like a large crown, decorated with many flowers, (Alien Property Custodian 1944)
- Dimensions: 129 x 119 cm (Alien Property Custodian 1944)
- 1944: sold at Alien Property Custodian sale
- 1972: Pieve di Caminino purchased from American collector, New York
• 1939b-BL-xx
Balinese Girl / The Swimmer
- Douthitt Gallery, New York (October 1941) item no. 10: The Swimmer (?) [sold Mr & Mrs. Adams. Honolulu]
- 1941: Mr & Mrs. Adams. Honolulu, purchased at Douthitt Gallery exhibition
- 1960s?: John Bigelow Clark, California?, author
- 1990s: Constance Tizard Lewis (Constance Lewis Holmes † 2013),
- 2015: Private Collection, Manila, purchased from auction, Hong Kong
• 1939b-BL-xx
Girl Carrying Rice
- Douthitt Gallery, New York (October 1941) item no. 12 Girl Carrying Rice (Balinese Beauty ? (Rogers 1944))
• 1939b-BL-xx
Young Balinese Girl
- University of Philippine, Manila (August 1940) item no. x01
- 1940: University of St. Thomas, purchased at University of Philippine exhibition
• 1939b-BL-xx
The Little Sister
oil on canvas
127 x 77 cm
- University of Philippine, Manila (August 1940) item no. x10 [sold to Ernest Helge Christian Berg (Rogers 1994, p. 89)]
- 1940: EHC Berg, purchased at University of Philippine exhibition
- 2016: auctioned, Hong Kong
• 1939b-BL-xx
- The dancers seem to walk off the canvas and conjure up her rhythmic movement in elegant gestures for your eyes. (W.C.B. (Burger, Willem C.?), Indische courant),
- Soerabaiasche Kunstkring (February 1940) item no. 03 Danseres
• 1939b-BL-xx
Dressing of Legong
- Soerabaiasche Kunstkring (February 1940) item no. 17 Toilet van Legong
• 1939b-BL-xx
School children
- Soerabaiasche Kunstkring (February 1940) item no. 18 Schoolknapen
• 1939b-BL-xx
Legong Dancer (1939)
oil on canvas
113 x 95 cm
- The dancers seem to walk off the canvas and conjure up her rhythmic movement in elegant gestures for your eyes. (W.C.B. (Burger, Willem C.?), Indische courant),
- Soerabaiasche Kunstkring (February 1940) item no. 19 Danseres
- 1958: Rogers, one of three of Locatelli’s paintings (Dobbin 1958)
- 1994: Rogers, Westminster
- 2010: Museum Pasifika
• 1939b-BL-xx
Young Balinese Girl with Hibiscus (1939)
oil on canvas
116 x 96 cm
- Soerabaiasche Kunstkring (February 1940) item no. x1
- There is a girl with a red flower in her hair, who looks at you with a smile and shows the beauty of her blooming youth without any reticence. (W.C.B. (Burger, Willem C.?), Indische courant 1940.02.03)
- 2010: auctioned, Hong Kong
• 1939b-BL-xx
Balinese Dancer
- Soerabaiasche Kunstkring (February 1940) item no. x2
- Balische danseres in al haar charme en bekoring (W.C.B. (Burger, Willem C.?), Indische courant),
• 1939b-BL-xx
Kris Dancers
84 x 136 cm
- Soerabaiasche Kunstkring (February 1940) item no. x3
- There are works of magic ceremonial in Bali, where a number of young people are in a trance, while a priest performs his magical dance. (W.C.B. (Burger, Willem C.?), Indische courant 1940.02.03)
- 1958: Rogers, one of three of Locatelli’s paintings (Dobbin 1958)
- 1994: Duta Fine Art, purchased from Rogers
- 2010s: Private Collection, Bali
• 1939b-BL-xx
Priest with commanding gesture in a ceremonial position at the entrance of the temple.
84 x 136 cm
- Soerabaiasche Kunstkring (February 1940) item no. x4
- On another canvas one sees a priest with commanding gesture in a ceremonial position at the entrance of the temple. In general Locatelli works a lot with blue, green and brown or yellow. His color combinations are warm and of a rich shine. (W.C.B. (Burger, Willem C.?), Indische courant 1940.02.03)
• 1939b-BL-xx
Portrait of Kamasan The Goldsmith
- Soerabaiasche Kunstkring (February 1940) item no. x5 (Rogers 1994 p. 56)
• 1940?-BL-xx
Painting sold to Francis Sayre 1
- University of Philippine, Manila (August 1940) item no. x03 [sold to Francis Sayre (Rogers 1994, p. 89)]
• 1940?-BL-xx
Painting sold to Francis Sayre 2
- University of Philippine, Manila (August 1940) item no. x04 [sold to Francis Sayre (Rogers 1994, p. 89)]
• 1940-BL-xx
Nude / Tigah / Oriental Dancer?
oil on canvas
108 x 199 cm
- University of Philippine, Manila (August 1940) item no. x05 [sold to James Wharton (Rogers 1994, p. 89)]
- 1940 Wharton
- 1963: Wharton passed away, may have been acquired by Rogers
- 1994: Duta FIne Art, purchased from Rogers
- 2016: Private Collection A, Jakarta purchased at auction, Hong Kong
• 1940?-BL-xx
Painting sold to Chamberlain 1/2
- University of Philippine, Manila (August 1940) item no. x06 [sold to Chamberlain (Rogers 1994, p. 89)]
• 1940?-BL-xx
Painting sold to Chamberlain 2/2
- University of Philippine, Manila (August 1940) item no. x07 [sold to Chamberlain (Rogers 1994, p. 89)]
• 1940?-BL-xx
Painting sold to Berg 4/5
- University of Philippine, Manila (August 1940) item no. x11 [sold to Ernest Helge Christian Berg (Rogers 1994, p. 89)]
• 1940?-BL-xx
Painting sold to Berg 5/5
- University of Philippine, Manila (August 1940) item no. x12 [sold to Ernest Helge Christian Berg (Rogers 1994, p. 89)]
• 1940?-CHN-xx
Portrait of Fu Ku Ko (ca 1940)
oil on canvas
202 x 120.5 cm
- Up to 2012: Private Collection, Italy
- 2012: auctioned, Hong Kong
• 1940b-MNL-xx
Quezon Family Portrait (Rogers 1994, p. 91, & Faxon 1990, p. C1)
• 1940b-MNL-xx
Zeneida & Maria-Aurora Quezon Double Portrait (Faxon 1990, p. C1)
oil on canvas
- Quezon Family (Faxon 1990, p. C1)
• 1942-MNL-xx
Gen Homma Portrait (Rogers 1994, p. 106-7)
oil on canvas
Nieuws van den dag (1939). Locatelli's Werk (“Locatelli's Work”):in Nieuws van den dag voor Nederlandsch-Indië Thursday, 25 May 1939, part 2 p. 2
Indische courant (1939). Kunst: Schilderijen-tentoonstelling, Romualdo Locatelli (“Art: Painting Exhibition, Romualdo Locatelli), De Indische courant Monday, 8 May 1939, part 4, p. 3.
“Z” (1939-05-06). Kunst: Romualdo Locatelli (”Art: Romualdo Locatelli”), in Bataviaasch nieuwsblad, Saturday 6 May 1939, p. 3